Lugulu AC Boys Secondary School in Butula Sub-county has continued to post exemplary performance in the national exams churning out hundreds of competent individuals joining the other institutions of higher learning to add value to themselves.
In the just released Kenya Certificate of Secondary Examination (KCSE), the top candidates at the school, Godfrey Wesonga and Shadrack Omondi, scored B+ grades of 68 and 67 points respectively.
The school had a mean score of 6.655, a positive deviation of +1.6655 and 97 students scored above the minimum university entry grade of C+ and above.
Chief Principal Mr Josiah Alusa attributed the positive results to sheer hard work, dedication and discipline.

It is worth noting that Mr Alusa has a history of posting impressive results over the years in various schools that he has served as the head of the institution and he expected good results from the boys owing to the level of preparedness they had done.
He noted early syllabus coverage, teamwork and a dedicated staff are very key in any institution if they have to post good results.
“Our teachers are a motivated lot and we clear our syllabus in time to enable our candidates have an ample time for revision of the exams. This has helped us,” he says.
He noted in a hostile environment, one cannot post impressive results and the administration of Lugulu AC knows this pretty well and gives a lot of attention to learners.
According to the Chief Principal, issues affecting learners are addressed immediately as teachers and learners meet weekly where issues affecting them are discussed and a solution is sought.
“Guiding and counseling sessions are very essential to learners especially the teenagers and the school has a chaplain and teacher counsellor who guides learners,” he says.
He adds, “This has slowed down indicipine cases as learners know their aim of being at the school.”
The school has nurtured a number of key professionals who are scattered across the globe among them the renowned radio icon Josphat Odipo of Radio Citizen, Mark Lugwisa of the National Treasury among others.