There was pomp and colour as Lugari Diploma Teachers Training College marked the 7th graduation ceremony that saw tens of graduands from the 2023 and 2024 classes conferred with Diplomas.
The day marked the culmination of a journey that began 3 years ago, with 179 graduates being conferred as teachers in a ceremony that the college Chief Principal Ann Esese noted was the final cohort of the 8-4-4 system and it was an honour seeing them cross the milestone.
“Today we place a great responsibility in your hands and we want you to be educators who inspire and elevate and always carry the spirit of Lugari Diploma Teachers Training College whenever you go,” Mrs Eses said.

Western Region Director of Education (RDE) Mr Jared Obiero and Dr Jaluo Murunga were among the special guests who graced the event.
Mr Obiero thanked the Board of Management for inviting them to grace the event and hailed the college administration for its effective resource management.
The RDE reiterated that he has attended a number of meetings at the college and that he is equally proud and impressed with gracing the college’s 7th graduation ceremony.
“Lugari Diploma Teachers Training College is a national and premier college in the region and Kakamega County and am proud of the structural development that has taken place in the college. I assure you of the continued support from the Ministry of Education going forward,” he said.
He also acknowledged the excellent results that the college has been posting since 2018.

Dr Jaluo Murunga from the University of Eldoret and the chair of the Education Committee in Lugari Constituency represented Lugari Member of Parliament Hon. Nabii Nabwera.
The area MP through Dr Murunga appreciated the great work being done by the administration and the Board of Management.
“Madam Chief Principal Anne Esese has always ensured that the relationship between the college and community is very cordial as the members of the community supply some products to the college among them vegetables, firewood, etc and this has cemented the relationship dearly,” he said.
According to Hon. Nabii Nabwera, the college has been earmarked as the centre of training in Competence-Based Curriculum (CBC) and promised to ensure that the college becomes an ICT hub in the constituency.

He also thanked Education Permanent Secretary Dr Belio Kipsang for the establishment of infrastructure in the college.
Dr Murunga congratulated the graduands for their hard work and wished them well while challenging them to see themselves as teachers and add value to themselves.
“I started off as a primary school teacher armed with a certificate very many years ago but I have worked my way up and now I lecture at one of the prestigious universities, the University of Eldoret. I want you to learn about the changes in the education sector, especially the CBC and touch the lives of learners,” he said.
Lugari Subcounty Director of Education, Joan Sakwa, congratulated the graduands for the hard work they put in their studies and wished them well as they transition to the next level.

Mrs Sakwa challenged them to be good ambassadors of the college and always share information with the outside world so that the college can have a reasonable number of students going forward.
Mr James Wanyella, TSC director Lugari Subcounty thanked Madam Chief Principal for super leadership in the college as they have never had any indiscipline cases in the recent past.
Mr Wanyella is proud that the college is holding its first CBTC-compliant graduation.
He challenged the graduands to see themselves as empowered people while assuring them TSC was ready for them and asked them to remain dedicated to the teaching call.

Prof Lydia Wamocha, the BOM Chair thanked the RDE for honouring an invitation to grace the event and thanked all who turned up for the event.
According to Prof Wamocha, the college has been performing pretty well and the 2024 class has been the best class in its history.
“I want to thank the government for funding and supporting the college. We are here because the Ministry of Education has empowered the college to reach its full potential. May it further scale up the funding, especially on good technology,” said Prof Wamocha.

He added, “I also want to thank the parents and guardians of the graduands for the supper support. Let them embrace every opportunity with passion and embrace change. Go and engage with the community and always strive for excellence.”
The college Chief Principal Mrs Anne Esese thanked Mr Obiero for accepting to preside over the 2023 and 2024 graduating classes.
Madam Chief Principal thanked the stakeholders, parents and guardians for having supported and empowered the graduands up to this level.
“The BOM led by Prof Wamocha have dedicated much of their time to see what the college is today. I appreciate the provision of infrastructure that the Ministry of Education has funded the pronounced storey building and also the funding of the college. The I-HUB has been fully equipped by the Ministry,” she said.
She asked the graduands to go and teach the new curriculum as they have been prepared to teach.
“The local Lugari community has been very supportive to us and we don’t take it for granted,” she said.
Madam Chief Principal challenged the graduands to take the world with confidence grounded by the values that they have instilled in them.
“May the journey bring fulfilment and joy, make a difference in your life,” the Chief Principal blessed her students.