Mwalimu Joseph Were’s Leadership Admired Across Matayos

If there is a politician who is currently being talked about and feared in equal measures in Matayos Constituency, Busia county, then it is Mwalimu Joseph Were.

Mr Were is the current Principal Onjiko High school in Kisumu County and has embarked on a journey to empower youths in Matayos constituency.

Mwalimu, as commonly known across the constituency, is a basketball icon in the country and every year, his coached team triumphs at the Nationals.

Mr Were has taught several schools in the country among them Friends School Kamusinga in Bungoma county, Sigalame High School as the principal and is currently the principal of Onjiko High school in Kisumu.

“I introduced basketball at Sigalame and the school became national champions in basketball during my reign and when I moved to Onjiko High School, the school still commands championship in basketball,” says Mr Were.

The soft spoken Mwalimu is a darling to many youths across the constituency and he banks on his good relationship with the people to propel him to greater positions in the long-run.

“Mine is to give back to the society, despite being a senior principal, I believe as I age I need to help my people. I am still in the service but if the great people of Matayos gives me a chance to serve them in 2027, I will diligently give my best,” he says.

Pundits avers that Mwalimu Were is a generous and trusted son of the soil and the safe pair of hands for Matayos Constituency after Hon. Geoffrey Odanga.

“We would wish to have someone who is well versed with our daily challenges and has a solution to them and that person is non other than Mr Joseph Were,” pointed a stakeholder from Matayos.

He added, “Mwalimu is a renowned performer and all institutions that he has managed have a history of posting impressive results. It will be good to see him manage our constituency from 2027 and beyond.”

A lot needs to be fixed and the solution to the issues before us is Mwalimu Joseph Were.


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