September Intake Ongoing at Lugari Diploma Teachers Training College

The prestigious Lugari Diploma Teachers Training College has scaled up its operations as September 2023 intake progresses.

The college that is credited with churning out competent secondary school teachers, is located in Lumakanda area of Lugari Sub-County, Kakamega County.

The college has rolled out courses that are compliant with the new Competence Based Curriculum to give the teachers an edge in job market.

The College Chief Principal Madam Anne Esese avers that Curriculum has changed greatly and they have tailor-made courses in the college to give teacher-trainees skills and knowledge that will make them approach differently educational matters.

The college has a history of producing disciplined and hardworking teachers who fit in well in the competitive job market.

A diploma in secondary school teacher education takes 3 years and the fee is very friendly.

Entry grade is pegged at C+ and C plain in English and D+ in Maths.

Those interested in pursuing their careers in diploma in secondary teacher education can apply online via the college’s website
Or call:0718120187
Some of the courses offers includes:
Diploma in English/Literature.
Diploma in English / Geography.
Diploma Kiswahili/ History
Diploma Home Management/ Food Nutrition.
Diploma Food Nutrition/ Hair dressing.

Among many more courses as per the below brochure:




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