Being born into a large African family in the rural Kenya and growing up when the politics of independence and the quest for social and economic transformation of the newly-independent Kenya were at the centre of focus heavily shaped CAS Eric Wafukho’s perspective on life and leadership.
Interacting with political leaders who visited their home as a young person and listening to their conversations around the need to settle Africans and empower them to be drivers of social and economic transformation left an endible mark on on his conscience.

“Coming to know Jesus as Lord and Saviour in the 80s and subsequently being mentored and exposed to leadership opportunities in the 90s and 2000s both in Africa and out of Africa as I served as International Representative and Country Director of various institutions both in Africa and beyond prepared me and my wife Pamela for subsequent leadership assignments,” Mr Wafukho said.
Attending the Ignite Impact Marathon Leadership Conference in Mombasa that brought Christian leaders from across Africa together this weekend, Wafukho narrated his leadership journey and shared the leadership lessons that he has learnt from working in the private and public sectors.
He said leadership provides a unique platform and voice that pronounces, promotes and protects God’s agenda in every generation.
“It creates pathways for transformational leadership models of showing the way, going the way and modeling the way for others to follow,” he said.
He noted leaders have an opportunity to cast vision and set the right tone at the top, inspiring others to arise and connect with nobler reasons for existence.
Wafukho challenged Campus Crusade for Christ International to strengthen continental and national initiatives under the leadership of country directors and Africa Region’s Global Vice President for collaborations with the African Union, Africa Peer Review Mechanism (APRM), New Partnerships for African Development (NEPAD), government in identifying and pursuing initiatives and policy environment aimed transforming mindsets and building capacity of Africans to drive their development agenda as God desires.