Matungu Youth Forum Targets Empowerment of Its Members

A popular non-political WhatsApp group in Western Kenya, Matungu Youth Forum commonly known as MYF has curved its niche in the empowerment of its members who are mainly youths going by the recent measures it has adopted.

The group which was formed in 2014 by the late Victor Ochieng alias “Borntao” has been the talk of town going by how it has handled high-profile events in Matungu to the amazement of many.

Members of the popular group have been raising thousands of shillings to support the rising needy cases such as school fees issues, raising medical bills and giving the befitting send-off of the members of the group and their immediate family members when they die.

MYF patron second left with area MP Peter Nabulindo

Ismael Mumia, the group Patron has been hailed for his leadership of the popular online group as he has been able to bring together many people who never knew each other and now they reason on matters affecting the members effectively.

According to Mr Mumia, the group was established as a way of exchanging and sharing of ideas way back but they have stood the test of time and now there is a need to rename the outfit to something bigger and better going forward.

“We want to have an empowered youth and also have the super approach to our issues. We don’t just want to be contributing towards funerals but be adding value to ourselves when we are still alive,” he said.

MYF members during the funeral of one of their member recently

He added, “Many of us come from various family backgrounds and it becomes very difficult for us to know what each of us is going through in life and thus the need to streamline our operations.”

Members have gained much trust in the leadership of the group especially on how transparent all funds raised are accounted for, with each transaction being done via M-pesa and messages shared on the main wall.

To better the plan, the popular group has initiated some measures that are aimed at making it better compared to many WhatsApp groups in the region that do not have an agenda.

To start with, the group has asked those members who are interested in being enlisted as members to register by paying Ksh500 and a deadline has also been set for the same.

A section of MYF Members during the funeral of the founding member Victor Ochieng alias Borntao

It is said that if you want to go far, you go with others but when you want to go fast, you go alone.

Several leaders have already made their registration by paying the requisite Ksh500.

To set things right, the group is currently working on its Annual General Meeting which is set for 28th December this year and many agendas for the outfit are going to be set.

Many youths have asked to join the outfit as it is likely to change their lives if they embrace it.

Local leaders among them Kakamega County Governor Fernandez Barasa are among the leaders who have also shown some interest in joining the popular online group and have already registered by paying Ksh500.

Patron with a section of his Executive during the funeral of the late Gavana Brian

Unlike other groups where insults are common, MYF has set rules that are known by every member and the use of audio has been banned and members know how to handle issues that arise.

A constitution to guide the group operation is also in place with a fully functional executive comprising professionals from various fields who discharge leadership under the guidance of the Patron whom the group holds in the highest regard.

Praxides Shiranda serves as the group chairperson, Silas Sammy as the Organising Secretary, Liz Okumu as the treasurer and the sole admin of the group is none other than Kennedy Mwima alias Dagger.

Sammy Silas, the MYF Organising Secretary transacting with the kin of departed recently

The group has a membership of over 800 people and more are still interested in joining the fastest and the most popular group in the county.

Plans are at an advanced stage to make it bigger after the AGM as more measures are to be outlined during the AGM that is proposed to be held on 28th December 2024.

The sole group Admin, Bwana Dagger


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