Bonface Ngashira Challenge Cup Promises to Light up Butere Sub County

Sports enthusiasts and youths from Butere Sub County in Kakamega County have something to keep them busy this coming weekend following the re-launch of Bonface Ngashira Challenge Cup that is slated for Sunday, 25th August 2024 at Bulanda Primary School.

As a football fanatic, Bonface Ngashira has capitalized on the availability of the youths and the need to keep their minds very busy by engaging them in sporting activities so as to curb idleness, drug abuse and also nurture talents.

“I was born and raised in this locality, and I’m well versed with dynamics of life facing my brothers and sisters. If we don’t keep our youths engaged, cases of drug abuse, indiscipline, immorality, theft will definitely go up,” Mr Ngashira said.

Speaking to this writer, Mr Ngashira averred that he has been so much involved in community works through his life changing Community Based Organisation dubbed “Ngashira Care” which will also be celebrating the second anniversary of its launch on Sunday.

A total of six teams are expected to square it out in a hotly contested one day tournament with the winners expected to be feted handsomely.

The renowned comedian cum activist Eric Omondi is expected to grace the event at the leading Bulanda Primary.

According to Mr Ngashira, Eric Omondi is his bossom buddy whom they have done so much together and it will be great to host him in Butere Constituency and Kakamega County in particular.

It is worth noting that Eric Omondi recently launched a referendum push drive and is agitating for the reduction of counties from the initial 47 to 8.

A month ago, the country witnessed a countrywide protests from the youthful generation alias GenZ that forced the President to dismiss his entire cabinet and that the Eric Omondi led faction is still demanding for more.

Among the more issues that Eric Omondi wants addressed include the following:

a) Reduction of Counties from 47 to 8 to curb wastage .

b) Many youth lost lives and property Worth milliona were destroyed but the government has never committed to listen to the grievances raised by the youth.

c) Bills going through the National assembly are just passed with being considerate of the youth.

d) Youth are not being involved in decision making .

e) Age factor,The country is not shortage of leaders and it baffles youth how the executive keeps on recycling leaders yet we have youths with super credentials who can hold super position unlike recycling old men and women to positions.
Among others.

“You can never realise production in a hostile environment, we must consider the interests of our youths first if we are to have a super country in the long-run,” Ngashira said.

Many youths are expected to turn out in large numbers.

Mr Bonface Ngashira.


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