St Kizito Nyansiongo send 228 to varsity

An extra county boys St Kizito Nyansiongo in Nyamira in last year KCSE sent 228 students to university out of a class of 230 with only two falling short of the 100 per cent university transition.

Nyansiongo is a first and fast learning lane institution powered with unity and love for the boys.

With a population of 2300 students taught by 83 teachers,58 employed by TSC and 25 on BOM terms the school is destined for greater heights having set 10.2 for this year’s target.

They received 800 form ones who have settled in school well and performing well too emanating from previous exams they have done.

Senior principal Ezekiel Okeyo a strict disciplinarian said that a school being sponsored by the Catholic diocese of Kisii does not compromise any indiscipline cases. They have special programmes for maths, chemistry, Biology, English and Kiswahili.

The school has an intensive academic programme for compulsory disciplines throughout the week which it has shown its commitment in making them work effectively.

Mr Erick Amenya, deputy principal

“We have wet practical and dry ones. Wet practicals done on weekends and in the laboratory while dry ones done weekdays in classes,” shared the principal.

Deputy principal Mr Erick Amenya said that every day students do tests in the five subjects and topically, especially in weak areas.

Students do maths tests every day during lunch hour for 30 minutes across all classes.

The 12 streams academic giant known for its integrity beginning with students in their both internal and external exams has a strict learning programme which involves participating in joint exams and invites motivational speakers, especially subject specialists and give tips on how to perform well.

“We register a very good mean in humanities as well,10 the mean attained for the past 4 years is not a mean achievement and we are working harder to even surpass that maybe in this year’s KCSE. We have programmes at night where students have group discussions,” said the deputy.

The school organised for clinics where weak students are identified and given specialized attention so that they perform better and join universities.

“All teachers have 30 students assigned under them and live as families to which we are accountable for their results,” put Mr Amenya.Part of the tuition block

The high level of discipline makes students believe in good time management and always move by running.

The school has a strong welfare that caters for all across where each child raises Ksh100, teachers Ksh1,000 and the non-teaching staff Ksh500.



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