St Annes’ Girls School in Mumias Shines in KPSEA Examinations

The School produced the second-best pupil nationally with 427 marks in last year's KCPE


The leading girls’ school, St Annes’ Girls Boarding Primary and Junior Secondary Mumias has once again burst into celebration after posting an impressive performance in the just released Kenya Primary School Education Assessment (KPSEA).

The school has a renowned history of posting impressive results in national exams and has again impressed in the 2023 national KPSEA exams.

“Teamwork, a dedicated staff, hard work, discipline and above all our belief in the Supreme God has kept us moving,” says, Sister Cyrillah Sanya, the school headteacher.

She added, “We are deeply rooted in spiritual matters as we believe in the power of God and this has kept us afloat. In a very special, I want to thank my super teachers, KPSEA candidates of 2023 and all the stakeholders who tirelessly worked for positive results.”

She noted parents entrusted them with their pupils so that they could mould them into superwomen and as teachers, they would have done a major injustice if they didn’t mould superwomen from the beautiful girls they have around.

It is worth noting that in the last KCPE exams, St Annes’ produced the second-best pupil nationally with 427 marks out of the possible 500 marks.

“We have tailor-made programmes for the CBC pupil and we give out the best in terms of content. We have a great team of teachers who are so passionate about the welfare of our daughters and this has also worked greatly towards the impressive performance that we continue to post,” Sr. Sanya said.

In 2022, KPSEA exams, the school was the best nationally and nothing could stop them from impressing again.

Among the best-performing subjects included English, Mathematics, Arts, CRE and Science.

Sister Cyrillah Sanya avers that a lot has been put in place in compliance with the new curriculum and assured that St Annes will remain the best school for the girlchild in the country.


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