Nangina Girls Sets Higher Targets for 2024 National Examinations

After posting a mean of 6.99 in 2023, the school now aims to achieve a mean of 7.5 in 2024 KCSE

After posting impressive results in the 2023 Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) examinations, St Cecilia Nangina Girls High School in Busia County is already up and running on how to even better the results in 2024.

The school had over 260 candidates scoring over the minimum university entry grade of C+ and above making it have the highest number of candidates joining university from Busia County.

Senior Principal Victoria Alukum noted that 498 candidates will be enlisted for the 2024 KCSE exams.

Senior Principal Mrs Victoria Alukum in her office

To remain at the pinnacle of academics, she said, proper structures need to be put in place so that quality results can be realised.

“Nangina has a history of posting impressive results year in and year out. As you all know, quality education is very expensive and we have to roll down our sleeves and get to work if we want to realise better results,” said Ms Alukum.

Speaking to the 2024 candidates together with their parents in the school, the Principal asked for support to further enhance performance.

She asked 2024 candidates to make sure that they leave a legacy in the school by posting impressive results.

“The administration and all the stakeholders are going to provide a conducive environment for you to deliver and all we want from you is a collective responsibility to deliver,” she said.

Parents were also asked to pay school fees for their daughters to avoid them being sent home, which disrupts the smooth running of the school programmes especially for candidates.

Mrs Roselida, the Deputy Principal Administration noted that Nangina Girls has sharp and beautiful girls and reminded them that a smart girl is a confident girl and asked parents to support their daughters and work closely with teachers.

Deputy Principal, Administration, Madam Roselidah

Mr Nyongesa Pepela who doubles as the 2024 class coordinator highlighted what is needed towards the realisation of positive results among them sacrifice, self-drive, responsibility, exposure to exams and teamwork.

According to Mr Pepela, the 2024 class timetable is going to be harmonised to see to it that all the 498 candidates are taught the same thing in class unlike in the past.

Parents were asked to take the academic improvement fund very seriously as it does a lot towards candidates’ preparation.

“Before candidates sit for the exams, we will take them for a career trip to a leading university just to boost their morale and have them work hard toward joining the university,” he said.

Mr Makwata, the Director of the studies reminded the stakeholders that the school has set a mean of 7.5 in 2024 and nothing is going to stop them from attaining the set target.

Damaris Masinde a student representative assured the stakeholders present that 2024 is going to conquer the mean to 7.5 as envisaged in the form four slogan: We are the Conquerors.

Students Representative, Damaris Masinde

“As our slogan stipulates, we are going to conquer everything and realise 100 per cent university entry. I believe we have the best teachers and we are going to make good use of them to see to it that we come out victors not only in Busia but in the region,” assured Damaris Masinde.

Humphreys Muchuma, a parent’s representative, had kind words for the Principal Mrs Victoria Alukum terming her the best.

“We have the most understanding principal. Mwalimu rarely sends our girls home for fees even when things are tough and she listens to every one of us. With humility, I ask parents to cooperate with her so that our children can be in school all through,” he said.

He added, “Education is very expensive and for any positive results, we must put in more effort. Let everyone do their part effectively and the results will come.”

The chief guest of the day was Mr Tom Amadi Mboya, a renowned mathematics icon and the Senior Principal of Nambale Boys High School.

Mr Tom Amadi Mboya speaking to the parents and students during the Form four Academic Appraisal at the school.

Mr Amadi congratulated the school for posting impressive results more so the Mathematics Department which didn’t register any E in the exam.

“I am happy that all the 413 candidates passed Mathematics. Education is the only equaliser that I know. I came from a family whose background was very low but I am happy I changed everything. What you need to know is your purpose of being at Nangina and that will help you work hard,” he said.

Mwalimu Amadi emphasised four guiding factors, among them: teamwork, self-esteem, sacrifice and commitment, setting targets and discipline.

Mwalimu Tom Amadi is also the author of several mathematics books and a great friend of the school.

The Class of 2024 remains committed towards the realisation of even better results.