Celebrations as St Cecilia Nangina Girls Sends 260 Candidates to University

The leading girls’ school in Busia County, St Cecilia Nangina, has once again burst into academic glory after posting impressive results in the just released KCSE results.

The school registered a mean of 6.9927 ( C+) and over 260 candidates scoring above the minimum university entry grade of C+ and above.

The school that has a history of posting impressive results also had its top candidates with 2 A- which was an improvement from the previous year.

Speaking to this writer, the school Principal Mrs Victoria Alukum said that hard work, early syllabus coverage, dedicated staff, discipline and the belief in the Supreme God is what has made the school to stand the test of time to realise impressive results, year in year out.

“You cannot realise production in a hostile environment. We do everything within our reach to ensure that our learners get what is best for them and this has always worked positively,” she said.

She added, “We had 413 candidates and these learners had various challenges but we are glad that they have not let us down. We expected more that what we got as a school as per our mean target but I am happy that the beautiful girls have done us proud.”

Nangina Girls remains the best leading girls school in Busia and us committed towards nurturing responsible women from girls.



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