Nicholas Anywa: From grass to grace and helping the less fortunate

He prides himself in realising the academic dreams of bright needy learners.

Nicholas Anywa alias Anywa Okutoyi is a man fashioned for a mission in Butere.

His humble background notwithstanding, Nicholas has risen from a mere market cleaner under the defunct municipal councils to hold the position of Director of Legislation, Procedure and Committee Services at the giant Kakamega County Assembly.

The son of the soil was brought up by the grandmother under difficult circumstances attending a local primary and secondary school in Musanda.

He defied all odds to excel and join the county council services as a cleaner, later rising to the position of revenue officer.

His star never stops shining through his chattered public service career.

He continues to serve with zeal, commitment, dedication and humility.

His ability, capability and prowess reflect all around his social and economic life.

He is a man after human souls. He understands the hardships of the needy, the poor and the vulnerable in the community.

He has single-handedly offered direct education support to over 100 needy learners in Butere Sub County.

He prides himself in realising the academic dreams of bright needy learners.

All these efforts have not been without reward as one of the learners he supported gifted him a car.

He has heavily invested in farming and entrepreneurship to supplement his income to offer support to more needy cases.

He is the epitome and embodiment of no man is limited.

Pundits note that Anywa is poised to rise to higher state appointments as it is claimed that he is in good books with powers that be.

He is the only person in the entire Butere whom Oparanya holds in the highest regard owing to his consistent and steady career progression.

Should Aywa choose to join politics, he can easily make it through as he has unmatched networks, financial muscles and a great head start.


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