Chief Principal Cornelius Sindani Takes over Khasoko High School

Mr Daniel Wasambo handing over to Mr Cornelius Sindani.

The academic giant from Bungoma County, Bumula Sub-County Khasoko High School has a new Chief Principal.

Mr Cornelius Sindani is the new principal of the prestigious school, taking over from Daniel Wasambo who has since been transferred.

Mr Cornelius Sindani had a short stint at Kamusinde Boys in Kimilili but he is credited with impressive performance of St John Nyamagwa High School in Kisii County.

Speaking to the press in Bungoma Town, stakeholders from the school said that Mr Sindani is the safe pair hands for the school owing to his performance in various schools he has handled and his understanding of matters education.

“We had issues with the former Principal Mr Wasambo which we cannot share now but the point of contention is that we have the son of the soil at the helm of the school and we are proud of him,” one of the stakeholders said.

“The new principal has hardly spent a month at the school but several changes can be seen. The morale of the teaching fraternity is high, learners are a motivated lot and it speaks volumes,” a teacher at the school said.

The new Chief Principal has settled, has had a meeting with the staff, learners and even the sponsor (church), which has pledged to support him fully so that the school remains at the helm.

The Chief Principal is one of the best managers around. Kamusinde School students held a peaceful protest over his transfer to Khasoko School because the principal is a performer and really wished to have him stay longer.

We wish the Chief Principal Mr Cornelius Sindani well as he settles at the prestigious Khasoko school.


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