Wakili Robert Ojou Initiates Mentoring Programs for Namamali Students

Give a man a fish and feed him him for a day, but teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.

These were sentiments made by Namamali youthful leader Wakili Robert Ojou at Lung’anyiro Primary School during a motivation talk to KCPE candidates of 2023.

Wakili Robert Ojou, the Nakuru based Lawyer is a native of Lung’anyiro Village and an alumnae of Lung’anyiro Primary School.

“I was born and raised in this locality, went to this primary and I understand what education can do in someone’s life,” he says.

He adds, “Many homes have different faces, statuses improved courtesy of education as it is the only tool of empowerment.”

Wakili, as commonly known, set an academic record in 2004 where he scored 414 marks out of 500, something that none has been able to break since the inception of 500 marks in primary school examinations in 2001.

While addressing the candidates, Wakili asked the candidates to uphold discipline, have set targets and be diligent in their engagements.

The school has a history of posting impressive results and many have succeeded in life, yet they went through the very school.

“Gone are the days where parents used to bequeath lands, cattle or wealth to their children. The only inheritance you can get from your parents is education,” says Wakili,

He notes that he is going to guide the students in the right steps so that they don’t fail in life.

“As a learner, it is your responsibility to work on your company or friends, know your personal strength and work towards realisation of your set goals. You need to make hay while the sun shines and that time is now,” he emphasises.

Mr Henry Odhambo who is one of the class teachers highlighted the challenges the candidates face and Wakili resolved to give an immediate solution which includes :
Sponsoring of Diocesan exams and Mock exams,

To donate a sack of maize towards the ongoing lunch program, and

Bought writing materials, pens to all candidates

“My home is just a few metres away and charity begins at home. I’ll be making frequent visits to this school to see to it that everyone makes it to the very end,” he says.

He noted that any candidate who will score 380 marks and above from the school will be rewarded with a pair of shoes, among other prizes.

“We have just rolled this programme and I am going to visit every primary school in Namamali Ward to see to it that our boys and daughters get proper mentorship,” he notes.

Mrs Agripina Odongo, the headteacher was very receptive and thanked Wakili for his initiative and asked him to be visiting the school more often.

According to Parents representative Mr Wycliffee Onunga, many students lack mentors in early stages of life and they are likey to do better if given direction.

He thanked Robert for visiting the school and wished him well in his engagements as many pupils are striving to break his record of 414 marks.

“Namamali Ward has over 15 primary schools and none will be left behind. We will walk together,” Wakili says.


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