Precious Skylimit Academy rolls out performance plan for 2023

Precious Skylimit Academy in Koyonzo has rolled out an elaborate plan for 2023 aimed at edging out the regional academic giants at the pinnacle of performance.

The school whose almost all it’s top candidates secured scholarships for secondary school has put proper measures aimed at giving regional academic giants a run for their money going by what is happening on the ground.

According to the school headteacher, Mr Frankline Kadima, they learnt so much from the previous class and they want to give out everything humanly possible to see to it that the 2023 class tops Western Region in the national exams.

The headteacher in his office

“We have a very good class and going by the level of preparedness that we going to give to our candidates, definitely it will yield super results,” he says.

He opines that,”Early syllabus coverage, a dedicated staff, team work and quality working condition will definitely yield results. Our Director Mr Wycliffee Nyangweso has invested so much in this school and there’s no way we are going to fail him by not making the school number one in the region.”

Top candidates among them Esther Joy Kadima who topped the school will be joining Lugulu Girls High School on scholarship from Matungu MP Peter Oscar Nabulindo.

Stacy Tibenda will also join Othaya Girls High school in Nyeri via National Bank Scholarships.

Peter Kevin will join St Peters Mumias on scholarship too.

Maryline Agutu Maloba to join Bishop Njenga Girls in Lugari sub-county on scholarship and Ricardo Joseph Khaemba will join St Joseph Kitale.

The headteacher notes that this was made possible through the connection their able director has across the country that has enabled the top performers to get scholarships in various prestigious institution of learning.

The school has Junior Secondary section and has put everything in place to take care of the need of Junior Secondary learners.

“We have brought professionals on board to handle junior students by recruiting teachers who will help mould an all round citizen for the future,” he says.

The school has key teachers who will be handling various disciples like :
Computer technology

Business studies

Integrated science

And all technical subjects.

“We want our junior students to be equipped properly so that when they leave Skylimit, they can be different from the rest of the students around,” he says.

Some of the students in discussion groups

He notes they have the best boarding section for students, classes and lockers are modern and they give the best meals to learners.

“We have advanced transport system and free computer classes to students and this makes us stand out from the rest of the schools around,” he says.

According to School Director Mr Wycliffe Nyangweso, his mission is to give quality education that will resonate well with the changing dynamics in education like the Competence Based Curriculum (CBC).

Director, Mr Wycliffee Nyangweso

“I always motivate my students whenever they perform excellently as I want them to work hard in exams as envisaged in the school moto: Knowledge is Power,” he says.

He adds, “We’ve rewarded our top candidates in the last KCPE exam with a suitcase as a way of motivating her. I want to ask the community around to entrust us with their children both in primary and junior secondary and they won’t regret.”

He says they have flexible fees and value quality.

“The security of your children is guaranteed and we have boarding facilities for both primary and junior secondary,” he says.


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