Nambale Boys Posts Impressive Results in KCSE

Nambale Boys High School has once again posted impressive results in the just released KCSE results.

According to the school’s Chief Principal Mr Charles Hongo, they expected to post impressive results following the level of preparedness they put in on the candidates.

A total of 81 candidates scored above the minimum university entry grade of C+ and above with the best candidates scoring B+.

Mr Hongo, who has been at the school for close to four years has done so much for the school in terms of structural development, discipline, motivation of teachers and students’ welfare.

Mr Charles Hongo

“We all understand that in any hostile environment, there can’t be production. I had to put everything right to ensure that the environment around the school becomes conducive both to students and the teachers,” Mr Hongo said.

He added, “When I joined this school in the délocalisation program back then, the school had its results cancelled. The morale of teachers was very low, parents were not willing to bring their students to Nambale among many other issues but we soldiered on.”

According to Mr Wandera, whose son was among the top students at the school, the principal has contributed greatly to the impressive results of his son as he was always in his office over fee related issues.

“I have never seen a person who is so understanding like Mr Charles Hongo,” he said.

He noted he is a small scale farmer in Mungatsi and getting fees in time has been a challenge, but he is glad that the principal used to listen to his plight and always kept his son in school irregardless of his situation.

Teamwork, dedication, early syllabus coverage and hard work goes hand in hand and this is what has aided the school to post impressive postive results.

Hongo notes that teachers are a motivated lot and passion drives them.

“As long as I am still in charge here, I will continue posting impressive results,” he said.

A teacher at the school attributed the sterling performance to great working relationship between the principal Mr.Charles Hongo and teachers.

He noted they have put proper structures in place and are hopeful of getting the best of the best results from the 2023 class.

According to Mr.Hongo, a lot has been said regarding the just released results where some school are said to have colluded and engaged in exams malpractices.

“Nambale was once a victim of exam cheating and we don’t condone exam malpractices. The results that were posted by our 2022 candidates reflects their ability,” he said.

He noted Integrity is a guiding principle at Nambale Boys that is why everyone is contented with the results.

“We have had cases where a student who has never gone beyond C plain in exams, cheating in the final exam and registering an A through malpractices, and when they move to advanced levels, they end up dropping the course simply because their intellectual capacity can’t handle the course they were invited to pursue at the university. I humbly ask parents and stakeholders to shun the idea of celebrating the exam malpractices and embrace whatever their sons and daughters bring home,” advised Mr Hongo.

Mr Hongo has perfected the School’s relationship with Stakeholders in Busia County.

The parents are keen on the Education and moral standards of their children at Nambale School.

The Board of Management is solid whose membership includes University Professors, Engineers, Human Resource Strategists, Medics and Local leaders.

Hongo notes that, to-date, the School has been founded on great values.

Teachers and Students work hard for genuine quality grades. The future is GOOD!


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