Lugari Diploma Teachers Training College ( LDTTC) in Kakamega County is arguably one of the best secondary school diploma teachers’ training college.
Located in Lugari sub-county in Lumakanda, the college has continuously outshined other diploma colleges in churning out competent teachers spread across the country.
According to the college Chief Principal Mrs Anne Esese, students have always performed exemplarily well and majority of them have been placed by the Teachers Service Commission either on internship or some on permanent basis after they graduate.

She revealed that the secret behind impressive performance by the students is because of a dedicated staff, lots of team work and high levels of discipline in the institution.
“Our staff are driven by passion and we give the best which results in producing the best teachers around” Mrs Esese says.
She adds, “When we started in 2015, we had some fair share of challenges but we accepted what was before us and put our best foot forward. We had fewer structures, the number of our students was very low, but improved as time progressed and here we are.”
As the September intake continues, the Chief Principal has asked qualified students who missed out on Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement (KUCCUPS) window to apply and get admission to one of the country’s most prestigious secondary school teachers’ training college.

The college has complied with the Competence Based Curriculum (CBC) and all the trainers and trainees are equipped with knowledge to handle the new curriculum.
“Our courses are tailor-made to give our teachers the best and make them more competitive in the job market,” Mrs Esese says.
Courses at Lugari Diploma College take a minimum of three years and with only Ksh150,000 one can have their Diploma in secondary school teachers’ training college.
To Qualify for admission, one needs to have:
Mean grade C+,
Mathematics D+,
English C plain, and
At least C+ in two teaching subjects.

Those interested in joining the college during the ongoing September intake can apply by sending their academic certificates to in order to be assisted.
Or call
The Chief Principal on: 0722655908 or
Registrar on: 0720880099
Below are courses compliant with CBC, offered at the college: